- 23:22 #NowPlaying "The Avengers: Second to none" on YouTube - http://t.co/MSqcEFbs
- 23:19 #NowPlaying "Avengers - Thin White Line" on YouTube - http://t.co/TRWDKw9a
- 23:15 #NowPlaying "The Avengers - Paint It Black" on YouTube - http://t.co/80L17UAN
- 23:09 #NowPlaying "Read And Burn - Wire" on YouTube - http://t.co/5BqpJZsM
- 22:03 #NowPlaying "Wire - Pink Flag" on YouTube - http://t.co/44WXs2je
- 21:40 トイレット博士のとりいかずよし、愛知淑徳大学教授なんだ・・・
- 17:50 #NowPlaying "Come As You Are - Vibrators" on YouTube - http://t.co/x57eVRmr
- 17:30 #NowPlaying "The Saints - Know Your Product (1978)" on YouTube - http://t.co/KJXShOry
- 17:26 #NowPlaying "The Saints - Stranded" on YouTube - http://t.co/Mk0vqT6j
- 17:23 #NowPlaying "Deborah Harry - Wild Horses (live 1993)" on YouTube - http://t.co/YmYDw3kG
- 17:21 #NowPlaying "BLONDIE - See No Evil - House of Blues, Atlantic City 09/11/2010" on YouTube - http://t.co/HbDLcI0R
- 17:18 この動画はお薦めです -- Blondie "Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory" http://t.co/39rVVt6n via @youtube
- 17:13 #NowPlaying "Blondie - Femme Fatale" on YouTube - http://t.co/sZGqhRzx
- 17:12 #NowPlaying "The Who - Heatwave" on YouTube - http://t.co/XWh8nyo9
- 17:08 #NowPlaying "Blondie-Heatwave-July 18, 1975 (live)" on YouTube - http://t.co/7aySLaKp
- 17:05 #NowPlaying "Blondie 1975 A Girl Should Know Better CBGB." on YouTube - http://t.co/OlKrrzDO
- 16:29 #NowPlaying "The Dictators - California Sun" on YouTube - http://t.co/8D5G50rg
- 16:24 #NowPlaying "CCR - Walking On The Water" on YouTube - http://t.co/Q1eS3yCu
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